Wednesday, 14 December 2011

Kill bill analysis- UNFINISHED

Kill bill is a Quentin Tarantino film released in 2003 starring Uma Thurman, David Carradine and Daryl Hannah. It had a budget of $55,000,000 and made £22,089,322 in the USA in 3102 screens. Kill bill was produced my Miramax films and is based in the USA.
The opening of Kill bill volume 1 starts with a sound bridge of a woman breathing heavily, this connotes suspense and panic, it also anticipates action to happen in the next sequence. This diagetic sound is used to create the atmosphere of a thriller which is a classic thriller convention.
This cuts to a close up of a woman covered in blood; the audience can see part of a veil behind her head which adds interest as they do not know what is going on in the mise-en-scene. This shot is in black and white which indicates a flashback or memory; it also conveys confusion and a lacked sense of reality. Black and white shot could be a tribute to the auteur directors of the 50’s. The sound in this mise-en-scene is all diagetic, the woman is breathing loudly showing fear and distress yet in the background there is the sound of slow yet persistent footsteps which adds enigma.
This cuts to a low angle tracking shot of someone’s shoes, the costume is very important in Kill bill as the face of bill is not shown in the opening which makes him an enigma figure and also makes him seem more intimidating. From his shoes we can tell that his costume is smart which suggests a powerful and perhaps self absorbed character as he is concerned about his appearence.
Cuts back to the woman’s face, she has become more frightened and distressed which makes the audience aware that Bill is the one who injured her. “do you find me sadistic?” This is the first line of dialogue, this is very fear inducing and it indicates the type of character Bill is which is extremely important as it is an introduction of Bill to the audience, it also shows that he does not take the situation very seriously and sees the woman as a joke. Bill does not seem to be worried that he has hurt the woman which suggests that he is in fact sadistic and enjoys the power he has over his victim.
Bill reaches out and wipes blood off the woman’s face with his own handkerchief which has his name embroidered onto the corner, this shows that the character is very self absorbed and important. We still do not see his face which could mean he has something to hide and there is more to him than meets the eye. The name on his handkerchief could suggest that the name comes up in the film more than the character does, foreshadowing later events. The bracelet on his wrist indicates wealth and importance which is stereotypical of a gangster or someone of that nature.

1 comment:

  1. A competent analysis, your reading and interpretation of aspects of Bill's costume which indicate his conceit are good. Well done, try to get some screen shots of the clip (Google opening to "Kill Bill" volume 1)
