Friday, 23 March 2012

Question 3

"What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?" on PhotoPeach

1 comment:

  1. Quite a soundtrack Kaya ! Very well presented though you should use capital letters for the names of films!!!
    Mainly reflecting a basic to proficient understanding of audience, though target audience of 12-25 year olds seems rather hit and miss. Noir thrillers are not made for children - we have discussed this in class. I'd suggest that your potential audience is in the 16-25 year old demographic because they could identify with the two main characters, the victim and the offender. What is the gender of your target audience? Try to sort this out for question 4.
    If you have time to revise then address these small glitches.
    Well done for identifying a festival as a platform for marketing your film but a UK film competition would also be an appropriate way of getting your film recognised. For example Virgin Media Shorts Competiton...
